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Karl C Kwok / MOD Beau Geste Racing SMASH Multihull Record!

MOD Beau Geste at the finish of the Rolex China Sea Race 2018

image: ROLEX / Daniel Forster

Karl Kwok's MOD Beau Geste crossed the finish line early this morning, 30 March, at 01h 50m 07s in Subic Bay, Philippines - smashing the 18 year old multihull record set by Benoit Lesaffre's Crowther 50 Catamaran, Atmosphere, by an incredible 9h 31m 40s. The new multihull record now stands at an awesome 38h 30m 07s.

郭志樑 (Karl Kwok ) 的MOD Beau Geste號在今日(3月30日)早前零晨1時50分7秒順利抵達菲律賓蘇碧灣(Subic Bay),以9小時31分40秒之差成功打破18年前由Benoit Lesaffre的 Crowther 50 雙體船 Atmosphere號所造出的成績。目前多體船賽事紀錄為38小時30分7秒。

郭志梁(Karl Kwok ) 的MOD Beau Geste号在今日(3月30日)早前零晨1时50分7秒顺利抵达菲律宾苏碧湾(Subic Bay),以9小时31分40秒之差成功打破18年前由Benoit Lesaffre的Crowther 50 双体船Atmosphere号所造出的成绩。目前多体船赛事纪录为38小时30分7秒。

MOD Beau Geste had an epic run for the first 23 hours of the Race averaging around 20kts. On Thursday morning however, with around 100nm left to the finish, the breeze died and the crew had a painful few hours as they tip-toed towards Subic Bay. "We had seven hours sitting, just drifting, doing 1 to 3kts. We got through it, it was not called for but it happens. It was a bit of a low after we gained everything overnight" said Kwok of the final leg into Subic Bay.

MOD Beau Geste號在首23小時以平均高達每小時20海浬的航速直奔向終點;直至星期四早上,距離終點約100海浬,風勢迅即減弱,意味著隊員需在餘下的航程裡必需沉著應戰,直至抵達蘇碧灣。郭志樑 (Karl Kwok ) 稱:「我們在海面上漂浮了7小時,風勢只有1至3海浬,這是我們意料之外,但總算撐過去了。經歷了這一夜後,我們都顯得有點累。」

MOD Beau Geste号在首23小时以平均高达每小时20海浬的航速直奔向终点;直至星期四早上,距离终点约100海浬,风势迅即减弱,意味着队员需在余下的航程里必需沉着应战,直至抵达苏碧湾。郭志梁(Karl Kwok ) 称:「我们在海面上漂浮了7小时,风势只有1至3海浬,这是我们意料之外,但总算撑过去了。经历了这一夜后,我们都显得有点累。」

Eventually, the breeze filled in for the last 85nm cementing Karl Kwok (HK) and team of Gavin Brady (NZL), Margaret Chan (HK), Cowen Chiu (HK), Matt Humphries (UK), Matt Keelway (NZL), Spencer Loxton (UK), Rob Salthouse (NZL), Dave Swete (NZL) and Cameron Ward (AUS) into the record books. "We did around 400nm in a 17 hour period and at the end of the day we came and did what we wanted to do and we got a new record!” he added.

幸好風勢在賽程最後85海浬時增強,把郭志樑 (Karl Kwok )(香港)和他的隊員Gavin Brady(紐西蘭), Margaret Chan (香港), Cowen Chiu (香港), Matt Humphries (香港), Matt Keelway (紐西蘭), Spencer Loxton (英國), Rob Salthouse (紐西蘭), Dave Swete (紐西蘭) and Cameron Ward (澳洲)列入紀錄中。他補充:「很高興我們用了17小時完成約400海哩的航程,同時亦如我們所願成功造出新紀錄。」 幸好风势在赛程最后85海浬时增强,把郭志梁(Karl Kwok )(香港)和他的队员Gavin Brady(纽西兰), Margaret Chan (香港), Cowen Chiu (香港), Matt Humphries (香港) , Matt Keelway (纽西兰), Spencer Loxton (英国), Rob Salthouse (纽西兰), Dave Swete (纽西兰) and Cameron Ward (澳洲)列入纪录中。他补充:「很高兴我们用了17小时完成约400海哩的航程,同时亦如我们所愿成功造出新纪录。」

Of sailing on the MOD Kwok said, “I have been a monohull sailor since 1975 so really this is a brand new experience and all I can say is that it's not as comfortable as a monohull; it's super fast, much faster - and I think that compensates for it all. It's exhilarating when the boat picks up speed and it just flies. Equally when there is no wind the boat just sits there like anything else. We had 37kts, this is what we call the 'red zone', you know, you push a little harder and something might go wrong but our average was about 20kts. At that speed you are like a motor boat with the amount of shaking and rumbling. Again it’s a totally new experience. As I get older I guess this is perhaps the only way to save precious time racing; you can do offshore races in less time!"

郭志樑 (Karl Kwok )指:「自1975年起我便開始駕駛單體船,對我來說,雙體船是一個全新的體驗。坦白說,單體船絕對比多體船來得舒適;但相反多體船能以超高速,極高速行駛。在加速行駛時會有飛的感覺;但當遇上無風時,她就如其他船一樣安坐在海面上。我們曾以高達37海浬航行,這被稱為"危險區",你可知道,一個急進的決定,影響是可以很大的,然而,我們平均航速有20海浬。在這個速度下航行,感覺就如駕駛摩托船時所感受到的擺動及搖晃。這肯定是一個全新的體驗。隨著年齡的增長,我想這是保留更多珍貴時間,讓我能參加更多離岸賽的一個途徑。」 郭志梁(Karl Kwok )指:「自1975年起我便开始驾驶单体船,对我来说,双体船是一个全新的体验。坦白说,单体船绝对比多体船来得舒适;但相反多体船能以超高速,极高速行驶。在加速行驶时会有飞的感觉;但当遇上无风时,她就如其他船一样安坐在海面上。我们曾以高达37海浬航行,这被称为"危险区",你可知道,一个急进的决定,影响是可以很大的,然而,我们平均航速有20海浬。在这个速度下航行,感觉就如驾驶摩托船时所感受到的摆动及摇晃。这肯定是一个全新的体验。随着年龄的增长,我想这是保留更多珍贵时间,让我能参加更多离岸赛的一个途径。」

"I am very appreciative of my team; they have been sailing with me off and on for many years. We didn’t just go into the race for the first time - we have trained on this boat for about a year racing in New Zealand against other multihulls and things have paid off. Totally happy." said Kwok, thanking his crew and celebrating with a few beers.

「我很感激我的隊員,我們有多年一起航海的經驗。Gavin Brady更是這艘船的智囊。我們並不是第一次在這艘船比賽,去年我們在紐西蘭參加不同比賽作為訓練,當時亦與其他多體船一同作賽,成績令人滿意。」郭志樑 (Karl Kwok )再次感謝他的隊員,並以啤酒慶祝! 「我很感激我的队员,我们有多年一起航海的经验。Gavin Brady更是这艘船的智囊。我们并不是第一次在这艘船比赛,去年我们在纽西兰参加不同比赛作为训练,当时亦与其他多体船一同作赛,成绩令人满意。」郭志梁(Karl Kwok )再次感谢他的队员,并以啤酒庆祝!

The next boats are expected to arrive this afternoon including the current monohull record holder (47h 31m 08s) Phillip Turner’s Reichel/Pugh 66 Alive and Raphael Blot’s Banuls 60 Catamaran Mach 2.

預料下一艘賽船將於今日下午抵達,包括目前單體船的紀錄保持者(47小時31分8秒)Phillip Turner的Alive號和Raphael Blot’s Banuls 60 雙體船Mach 2號.

预料下一艘赛船将于今日下午抵达,包括目前单体船的纪录保持者(47小时31分8秒)Phillip Turner的Alive号和Raphael Blot’s Banuls 60 双体船Mach 2号.

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