The sole Philippines entry TP52 Standard Insurance Centennial returns for the Rolex China Sea Race!

RHKYC / Aitor Alcalde– 2016 Start of Race
[endif]--A regular fixture in the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club’s offshore races, Standard Insurance Centennial owned by Philippines businessman and President of the Philippine Sailing Association Ernesto “Judes” Echauz is taking part in what will be his twelfth Rolex China Sea Race. Judes’ first race was in 1994 in which he sailed with Nestor Soriano on board the X-119 Lethal Weapon. He has only missed one crossing in 2002 and his best results were in the 2008 and 1998 editions taking the overall win, on his previous boat Sydney 46 Subic Centennial.
[endif]--由菲律賓商人兼菲律賓帆船協會主席Ernesto“Judes” Echauz擁有的Standard Insurance Centennial號將會第12次參加勞力士中國海帆船賽,他絕對是香港遊艇會離岸賽的常客。Judes第一次參加此賽事是在1994年,當年他和Nestor Soriano以X-119 Lethal Weapon號作賽。他僅錯過了2002年那場賽事,而他的最佳成績是在2008年及1998年的比賽中取得了總冠軍,當時他以Sydney 46 Subic Centennial號參賽。 ![endif]--
[endif]--由菲律宾商人兼菲律宾帆船协会主席Ernesto“Judes” Echauz拥有的Standard Insurance Centennial号将会第12次参加劳力士中国海帆船赛,他绝对是香港游艇会离岸赛的常客。Judes第一次参加此赛事是在1994年,当年他和Nestor Soriano以X-119 Lethal Weapon号作赛。他仅错过了2002年那场赛事,而他的最佳成绩是在2008年及1998年的比赛中取得了总冠军,当时他以Sydney 46 Subic Centennial号参赛。 ![endif]--
Judes is yet to take the overall win on his Davidson TP52, but persevering to get the title back this year will be Standard Insurance Centennial’s 14 man crew representing Filipino national athletes. The majority of the crew hails from the Philippine Sailing Association and comprises of a variety of dinghy coaches and sailors from various classes including Lasers, 420s and 470s.
Judes的Davidson TP52上尚未取得全場總冠軍,但他的14名船員卻代表著菲律賓全國運動員,誓要於今年奪回冠軍寶座。 大部分的船員來自菲律賓帆船協會,當中有來自各小帆船級別的教練和運動員,包括Lasers ( 激光級)、420級及470級。
Judes的Davidson TP52尚未取得过全场总冠军,但他的14名代表菲律宾全国运动员的船员,誓要于今年夺回冠军宝座。 大部分的船员来自菲律宾帆船协会,当中有来自各小帆船级别的教练和运动员,包括激光级 (Lasers)、420级及470级。

Rolex / Daniel Forster– 2016 Start of Race
[endif]--We caught up with Philippine Sailing Association athletes, Teodorico Asejo and Ridgely M. Balladares on the dock as they were preparing for next week’s race start. Teodorico commented, “I started sailing in Manila and won gold in the Dragon Class at the Manila Sea Games, then in 1992 I had the opportunity to go to the Barcelona Olympics, I didn’t win, but I am proud. After the Olympics I came back to Manila for more sailing and to boost the kids from the Optimist to the 420s, 470s then the big boats. After that China Sea Race, I think I have done 12 China Sea Races in all now.”
我們在碼頭遇上了正在為下週賽事作準備的菲律賓帆船協會運動員Teodorico Asejo和Ridgely M. Balladares。Teodorico說:「我最先在馬尼拉參與航海運動,並在馬尼拉海洋運動會上贏得Dragon級別的金牌,其後我更有機會參加1992年巴塞隆那奧運會,雖然沒有獲勝,但我感到很自豪。奧運之後,我回到馬尼拉參加了更多的帆船比賽,並把孩子們從Optimist ( 樂天級) 提升到420及470級別,繼而是大帆船。 到後來就是中國海帆船賽,我想這次是我第12次參加中國海帆船賽。」
[endif]--我们在码头遇到了正在为下周赛事做准备的菲律宾帆船协会运动员Teodorico Asejo和Ridgely M. Balladares。Teodorico说:“我最先在马尼拉参与航海运动,并在马尼拉海洋运动会上赢得Dragon级别的金牌,其后我更有幸参加1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,虽然没有获胜,但我感到非常自豪。奥运会之后,我回到马尼拉参加了更多的帆船比赛,并把孩子们从乐观级(Optimist)提升到了420及470级别,继而是大帆船。 到后来就是劳力士中国海帆船赛,我想这次是我第12次参加劳力士中国海帆船赛。” ![endif]--
Ridgely added, “I have done I think around 10 China Sea Races. I started when I was 19 years old back then in 1996 on a J35. Being part of the national team, I used to sail on a 470 dinghy boat, but four years ago I jumped into keel boats. We have six Far East boats and that’s our training for the keel boat in the Philippines. I compete both for the keel boats and coaching the kids in the 420 and 470. In the lead up to the Rolex China Sea Race we did the inaugural 200nm Subic Bay Verde Island Race, placing first in IRC 1.”
Ridgely補充說:「我一共參加了10次中國海帆船賽。第一次比賽是1996年,當時只有19歲的我在一艘J35船上作賽。 身為國家隊成員,我主要參與470級小艇比賽,但四年前我改為參與龍骨重型船。 我們有六艘琺依船 (FAR EAST),這是我們在菲律賓的龍骨船培訓。 除了參加龍骨船比賽,我們也為420及470級別的年青運動員進行訓練。在參加勞力士中國海比賽之前,我們便參加了首屆200海哩的蘇碧灣佛德島比賽作熱身,並奪得IRC 1組的冠軍。」
Ridgely补充说:“我一共参加过10次劳力士中国海帆船赛。第一次比赛是1996年,当时只有19岁的我在一艘J35船上作赛。 作为国家队成员,我主要参与470级小艇比赛,但四年前我改为参与龙骨船比赛。 我们有六艘珐依船 (FAR EAST),这是我们在菲律宾的龙骨船培训。 除了参加龙骨船比赛,我们也为420及470级别的年轻运动员进行训练。在参加劳力士中国海帆船赛之前,我们还参加了首届200海里的苏比克湾维德岛比赛作热身,并夺得IRC 1组的冠军。
Standard Insurance Centennial will join the 29 strong fleet and 300+ crews for the 29th edition of the Rolex China Sea Race with the ten minute warning signal firing at 1110hrs on 28 March.
Standard Insurance Centennial將連同29支強隊及300多名隊員參加第29屆勞力士中國海帆船賽,起航預告信號將於3月28日11時10分發出。
Standard Insurance Centennial将连同29支强队及300多名队员参加第29届劳力士中国海帆船赛,起航预告信号将于3月28日11时10分发出。
In closing when asking Judes about his thought on the race finishing in the Philippines, Judes commented, “The Rolex China Sea Race with Rolex as the major sponsor starting in 2008 has brought prestige to the 565nm race from Hong Kong to Subic Bay. By the mere fact that it ends in Subic Bay in the Philippines brings honour to the Philippines as the final destination of this most popular long-distance race in Asia.”
最後,當問到Judes有關於比賽終點設於菲律賓的想法時,Judes表示:「勞力士中國海帆船賽自2008年開始以勞力士為主要贊助商,這為整個565海哩的比賽提高了聲望。 僅僅因以菲律賓蘇碧灣作為這場亞洲最受歡迎長距離賽事的最終目的地,就已經為菲律賓增光。」
最后,当问及Judes有关于比赛终点设于菲律宾的看法时,Judes表示:“劳力士中国海帆船赛自2008年开始以劳力士为主要赞助商,这为整个565海里的比赛提高了声望。 仅仅因以菲律宾苏比克湾作为这场亚洲最受欢迎长距离赛事的最终目的地,就已经为菲律宾增添光彩。”