Rolex China Sea Race – A gamble of heading south or east
The first night of the Rolex China Race 2023 went well with the fleet continuing to beat upwind in their first 24 hours, in a fair...

香港自2019年後首個復辦的離岸帆船賽- 2023勞力士中國海帆船賽- 4月5日上午11時20分在陰霾的天氣以及3至5海浬的南風吹拂下正式起航。 開賽前首先進行舞獅儀式,祝願一眾參賽船隻順利完成賽事,財政司副司長黃偉綸先生, GBS,...

Rolex China Sea Race 2023 - the Race is On!
Rolex China Sea Race 2023, the first offshore race in Hong Kong since 2019, got underway today at 1120hrs in misty weather and a...

Father and son teams in the Rolex China Sea Race
Three out of the 19 yachts participating in the 2023 Rolex China Sea Race feature father and son crews racing together that will make the...

今屆2023年勞力士中國海帆船賽19艘參賽船隻,當中有三對父子兵,相信一同參賽將會締造難忘的經歷。 法國籍父子檔Philippe Grelon及兒子Cosmas 是中國海帆船賽的常客,今次將會駕駛專為單人或雙人組別離岸賽事而設的高性能Beneteau...

Perennial Favourites Return in 2023
As in all great offshores the commitment of longstanding competitors is paramount to the ongoing success of the Race. Stalwart...

Rolex China Sea Race 2023 makes its return to Victoria Harbour on 5 April 2023
Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club today (3 April) announced the much-anticipated return of the Rolex China Sea Race to Hong Kong’s iconic...


2023 年勞力士中國海帆船賽有不少新船首度亮相,當中包括53 呎長的 Swan型「 Athena號」。雖然「 Athena號」首次參賽,不過船員們滿有經驗,眾人合共參加過40次中國海帆船賽,帆船界傳奇人物Roland Lennox-King最值得大家關注。 Roland...

New faces to the Rolex China Sea Race
2023 is seeing an influx of new boats joining the Rolex China Sea Race fleet. Amongst them is 53 ft Swan Athena, debuting in her first...