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Mandrake III Wins Overall Mandrake III 勇奪全場總冠軍 Mandrake III勇夺全场总冠军

Mandrake III - Rolex China Sea Race 2018 (image: RHKYC / Guy Nowell)

With half of the fleet finished and the other half of the fleet succumbing to light breeze off of Subic Bay, the Rolex China Sea Race leaders have been decided.

For long time Rolex China Sea Race entry Fred Kinmonth and Nick Burns’ GTS 43 Mandrake III, persistence has paid off taking the Overall Rolex China Sea Race win! “I think it's been a big build up over a number of years actually. We've got a nice boat, we've got a crew that we've been sailing with for years, and this year we have a very good navigator which we haven't [in the past] and I don't want to be rude to any of our previous navigators, but this guy was something special. What can I say?” said Kinmonth of their success.

With the breeze coming down from Hong Kong with Mandrake III, they were able to maintain pressure on the fleet overall and continue to the finish taking a well deserved win.

Fred added, “If you look at the race itself, it wasn't very windy; well we had some wind in the middle of the Race, but not quite wide enough for the big boats to take off. We just kept on going with good sail selections. Looking back on the Race, I don't think we could have done better actually. We were lucky - we came down the coast and had a tiny little bit of breeze waiting outside and then we came around the corner and had 22kts of breeze pretty much all the way to the finish. We just had a very pleasant, lovely race; the weather was fantastic.”

With the sea breeze forecasted to fill in throughout the day, pushing the rest of the fleet down the coast, the final boats are expected to arrive throughout the night with the on location prize-giving be held on Sunday night.


勞力士中國海帆船賽長期參賽者Fred Kinmonth 和Nick Burns的GTS 43 Mandrake III號成功勇奪勞力士中國海帆船賽全場總冠軍。Kinmonth成功完成比賽後說:「老實說,我們為這一刻已準備良久。我們有一艘很好的船,隊員上下已一起集訓多時,而近年我們更找到一位十分好的領航員(以前從來未有遇過),我並不是投訴過往任何一位領航員,但這一位卻是那麼特別的一位。我還可以說些什麼?」

Mandrake III號自從香港出發時都能有效地掌握風勢,保持優勢,絕對是實致名歸。

Fred 續稱:「如你仔細留意整個比賽,全程風勢並不強勁,比賽中段時風勢較為理想,但仍不足以讓大船以更快的速度行駛,我們一直以最合適的帆船航行。回想整個航程,我應為實際上可以做得更好。幸運地,雖然在駛進海港時遇上微風,但衝線時風力更增強至每小時22海浬。我們有一個非常愉快,天氣亦很完美的比賽。」



劳力士中国海帆船赛长期参赛者Fred Kinmonth 和Nick Burns的GTS 43 Mandrake III号成功勇夺劳力士中国海帆船赛全场总冠军。 Kinmonth成功完成比赛后说:「老实说,我们为这一刻已准备良久。我们有一艘很好的船,队员上下已一起集训多时,而近年我们更找到一位十分好的领航员(以前从来未有遇过),我并不是投诉过往任何一位领航员,但这一位却是那么特别的一位。我还可以说些什么?」

Mandrake III号自从香港出发时都能有效地掌握风势,保持优势,绝对是实致名归。

Fred 续称:「如你仔细留意整个比赛,全程风势并不强劲,比赛中段时风势较为理想,但仍不足以让大船以更快的速度行驶,我们一直以最合适的帆船航行。回想整个航程,我应为实际上可以做得更好。幸运地,虽然在驶进海港时遇上微风,但冲线时风力更增强至每小时22海浬。我们有一个非常愉快,天气亦很完美的比赛。」


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